Strategic Objectives
Improve pupil outcomes in writing
How will pupils, teachers and the school benefit?
Increased pupil engagement & confidence in writing.
Evidence of improvements to both composition and the mechanics of pupils’ writing.
More pupils are working at both the expected and greater depth standards across the Federation (approximately 75% on track and 20% at Greater Depth)
Improved pupil cognition and metacognition for the writing process, demonstrated in lessons and in pupil conferencing.
Linked to these Strategic Aims
High quality, inclusive teaching
Build and maintain an irresistible curriculum
How will it be done?
INSET training to demonstrate to teachers what 'Greater Depth' writing looks like in the classroom.
Training staff of the 'Coaching Trios' initiative that will be used to support staff and embed the intervention.
Staff to engage with the relevant sections of the 'Woolton Hill Way' guide ‘essential’ and ‘enhanced’ practice.
Coaching trios to embed the intervention as an excellent part of daily practice.
Trios carefully selected to incorporate a range of staff experience.
Model the three parts of the process (before/during & after)
Ensure that a sustainable model of classroom cover is introduced.
Develop a ‘Trios Contract’ – the safety rules that guide the process.
Periodic SLT drop-ins, lesson observation, work scrutiny, book looks and pupil conferencing (see monitoring schedule).