July 2022
Dear Parents/Carers,
A quick PTA update before we all enjoy the summer break! Once again, thank you for all of your continued support this term in the events we have been able to successfully run. Your support is hugely appreciated.
Below is a fundraising update which includes what we have been able pay for this term, alongside what we have raised. We have some really exciting objectives for September that we hope you will all enjoy being a part of. Our main fundraising goal for the new term will be for the new iPads for each class which will be our primary focus for fundraising.
Fundraising Update (Summer Term)
Amount raised
Spring Disco £464.60
Non-Uniform Day £75.00
Pre-Loved Uniform Sales £68.70
Ice Cream Sales £387.70
Amazon Smile £149.77
Matched Funding – TBC
TOTAL £1,145.67
Phonics Scheme -£1000.00
Southsea Aquarium Trip -£663.00
Thomas Dogs -£232.40
Badges -£31.50
Romsey Abbey Coaches -£125.00
PTA Insurance & Lottery License Fee -£136.00
Open Box Theatre Company -£600.00
TOTAL -£2,787.90
As you can see from the above figures, our contributions this term have been greater than the funds we have raised. Your continued support in the autumn will be truly valuable.
Events & fundraising next term
· Family Fun Day - Sunday 25th September 1-4pm. Information on this will be sent out shortly.
· Bag2School - Friday 30th September
· AGM - Tuesday 4th October 7.30pm
· Autumn Disco - Date TBC
· Scarecrow Trail - October Half Term