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Junior Newsletter

Writer's picture: Mr DaviesMr Davies
Friday 24th January 2025

Headteacher's Update

Attendance is vitally important to your child’s education and time at school. Showing your child the importance of attending school every day not only helps your child to settle quickly when starting school but helps them to keep and maintain friendships and enjoy the school environment.

As a Federation we aim to have an overall attendance of 96% or higher and appreciate your efforts in supporting us with this by not booking holiday in term time.

Here is an update on our attendance rates for the year to date:



















Congratulations to Oak class, who currently have the highest attendance in the Federation.

Grounds Work

Volunteers from AWE in Tadley visited school to support our Outdoor Learning environment. 22 employees on their Graduate Training Scheme worked for the day digging holes ready for tree planting, clearing back and tidying the woodland area, creating another new log circle and clearing our two very overgrown raised beds for gardening.

Most of these jobs were organised and decided by the schools Eco Team and Junior School Councillors. The next phase is planting 29 new trees on the school grounds - a mix of 22 different species of native trees to increase biodiversity. This will happen next week with our Eco Team and Junior School Councillors. 

The children are really enjoying their outdoor learning sessions. I expect they've come home recently to talk about the fire skill they've been developing. You can read more about it here.

Road Safety

We are still in the depth of winter so I would like to remind our families to think carefully about safe journeys to school. Pedestrians should ensure they have have high-viz and cyclists should wear helmets. Can I also remind motorists that they must switch off their engines when waiting in our car park at the junior school.

Parents must not park in the village hall car park at pick up and drop-off. Recently their have been cases of cars blocking the space reserved for disabled motorists.

Sporting Success

There have been lots of opportunities for our children to participate in sporting tournaments. Many thanks to all the parents that have helped with transport to these events, without you help our teams would be unable to take part. Well done to pupils from Lower school who took part in a football competition at Park House. They showed fantastic skills and commitment to the games, even in cold and dark conditions!

Yesterday pupils took part in an Archery event and did really well with a skill that was new to many.

Last week upper school pupils went to an Athletics event at The Clere School. The team have written the following report:

"Some children from Woolton Hill Junior School participated in a fun athletics tournament on Monday 13th January at the Clere’s sports hall. Before they began, a warm up was held for all the teams.  Firstly, the girls did turbo javelin, standing long jump, speed bounce, standing triple jump, chest push and target throw (each person did one). While they were doing this, the boys did some running races. Then the girls swapped with the boys. There were two swaps and four rounds. Once they had done both, they all did some relay races to finish. After the activities were done, they heard the results and every school did an amazing job but some schools had to be eliminated. Our school did a brilliant job and they came second overall! Woolton Hill has never qualified in this event before but they qualified for the next round! Everyone enjoyed their experience and are excited to come back in March. The school is proud of everyone who took part in this awesome event."

By Sofiia & Addie

Foodbank Donations

During their visit to the local Foodbank last term, our School Councillors found out that the month of February sees the fewest number of donations to this fantastic cause. As 'courageous advocates' our children wanted to help. We would like to announce a 'Foodbank Collection Day' on Friday 14th February. Similar to Harvest, we are requesting all pupils bring a food item to school that day - all donations will be collected by the West Berks Foodbank. Thank you for your support.

Parents Evening

Consultations will take place on Wednesday 26th February and Tuesday 4th March. Details on how to book your appointment will be out soon.


A reminder that school is closed on Monday 24th February for INSET training. School will re-open on Tuesday 25th February after half term.


The next Bags2school day will be Monday 3rd February. Bags have been sent home today, normal rubbish bags can also be used. Filled bags should be left in the bike shed at WHJS by 9am on Monday 3rd February.

Star Awards

The following children received Star Awards this week! They should all be really proud, well done!

17th January: Amelia A, Layla M, Archie C, Lilly M, Bella K, Lilliana F, Max A, Etta B-N, Alfie K, Henry W, Eloise D and Ellis C

24th January: Daisy-Rose H, Sofia F, Dylan M, Jessica C, Ellis C, Amelie R, James M, Zara B, Harper D, Henry B and Henry W

Hot Chocolate

17th January: Henry B, Thea B, Immy R and Charlie M

24th January: Millie C, Francesca T, Henry W and Ben R

Life Learning


17th January: Isla H, Luey P and Dominic W

24th January: Ellie B, Freddie P, Daisy L and Martin M-B

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