Friday 11th October
Headteacher's Update

It was wonderful that the community could come together at St Thomas' Church this week to celebrate Harvest Festival and collect items to donate to West Berkshire Foodbank.
The children performed superbly, including a variety of songs, poems, and art from across the Infant and Junior schools.
It was great to see the Church full and I would like to thank all of our families for supporting this event and donating so generously to such a good cause. Thanks must also go to Reverend Lisa for leading our Worship.

We’re quickly gaining a reputation for excellence in Outdoor Learning. Follow this link to read our latest blog post on what the children have been learning in our wonderful new facility.
Thanks to The Friends of The Schools of Woolton Hill we have been able to make some significant investments in our stocks of library books in both schools. Read our latest blog post to find out about the diverse range of texts our children can now enjoy.
Attendance Matters
Attendance is vitally important to your child’s education and time at school. Showing your child the importance of attending school every day not only helps your child to settle quickly when starting school but helps them to keep and maintain friendships and enjoy the school environment.
As a Federation we aim to have our overall attendance of 96% or higher and appreciate your efforts in supporting us with this. Here is an update on our attendance rates for September.
Class | Attendance |
Hedgehogs | 95.6% |
Badgers | 99.5% |
Owls | 99.5% |
Otters | 96.7% |
Hazel | 98.0% |
Rowan | 96.8% |
Ash | 98.1% |
Oak | 97.1% |
Phase Newsletters
In our last Parent Survey, you told us that you would like more information about what your child is learning about and how you can help them at home. This week you should have received your 'phase' Newsletter (EYFS, KS1, Lower KS2 & Upper KS2).
We are trialling a new way to give you the information you need about what your child is learning about this term. More information can also be found on our website here.
We welcome your feedback on the Phase Newsletters and any suggestions about how we can make them even better. Please send me your comments to
The Food Bank
"On Wednesday 9th October the School Council went, with Miss Knapp, to the West Berkshire Food Bank to learn about what happens to the food and how it helps people in our community.
When the Young Journalists met up with them after the event they said that as a Federation, at our Harvest Festival, we produced twelve boxes of food altogether [that’s 246 meals] which is such a great achievement!

The School Council were toured around the Food Bank by a kind lady named Rosie. She was so passionate about the food bank that she’s worked there for seven years running. Rosie stated that “around 80% of the donations came from supermarket drop-offs, but churches and schools donate lots as well”.
Now, you might be wondering what happens to the food after getting transported to the food bank; well it all starts with the weighing. The products are weighed and dates are checked, ensuring that it is all suitable to consume. They are then placed in different boxes for where they’re sent. They then get taken to homes around the area.
In total there are 170 volunteers that all follow the same moto: FOOD BANKS ARE HERE TO HELP ANYONE, NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE."
By the Young Journalists
The Friends of Woolton Hill School Annual General Meeting
Our annual general meeting, to elect our trustees for the coming year and agree our constitution. This will take place at 6pm Please join us for this important event. by signing up using this link:
Family Support
Come along to our Coffee afternoon where our team of Family Support Workers will be available to offer support and advice for any concerns that you wish to bring along. :Let us know you're planning to pop along via this link:
Starting Infant or Junior School in September 2025?
Does your child start junior school in September 2025? Do you know someone who is looking for a Year 3 place for next year? Come along to our open morning to meet staff and children and to see our brilliant school in action.
Weds 23rd October @9am
Tues 26th November @9am
Register for any of these dates at this link:
Change in Menu
The school menu is changing when we come back after half term. We would be grateful if you could take the time to look at this new menu with your child so as they are aware of the changes. Thank you. Please click here to view:
Parents Evenings
Our Parents Evenings are: Wednesday 6th November from 3.30pm-6pm and Tuesday 12th November from 3.30pm-6pm. Details on how to book to see your child's teacher will follow after half term.
Parent Workshop

St Thomas' Sunday Club
You are invited to share in some fun with our ‘Light Party
@home’ resources!
We are offering local families the opportunity to share in some resources prepared to help provide an alternative to Halloween activities.
If you would like to do something suitable for primary school aged children, please get in touch to book your ‘Light Party @home’ pack. This will include ideas for games, crafts, yummy treats and links to YouTube clips to help illustrate a story of how God uses ordinary people to defeat a scary giant! You could do this at home as a family or plan to join with another family or two to increase the fun with friends.
It’s up to you how you use the resources….spread the activities out over the half term break or focus on being busy on 31st October. We would love to hear how you get on!
To book your free resource pack, please email by 17th October 2024, specifying how many children you need resources for and which school they attend.
Sporting Update

On the 7th of October 2024 a team of Upper School children went to a footgolf festival at Park House School. At the sports festival the team participated in football games [including keepy uppy, get the ball in the box and treasure island]. There was also a footgolf course around the field which is where you need to try and kick the ball into a hoop. The hoops surround flags so that you know where they are and trust me … it’s a lot trickier than it sounds.
In the end, the school came second and won silver medals in the games category and did amazingly. Everyone agrees the team did an amazing job representing the school and made them proud.
Star Awards
The following children received Star Awards this week! They should all be really proud, well done!
4th October: Oscar R, Thomas H, Thea S, Alex S, Riley M, Henry R, Lilliana F, Seb L, Zara B, Tyler W, James M and Mr Scott.
11th October: Layla M, Ellie B, Henry B, Aiden F, Bella B, Gregory L, Freddy G, Eloise D, Adelaide F, Joshua L, Bertie J and Miss Butler.
Hot Chocolate
11th October: Sofia K, Sebi H, Harley H and Alfie K
Life Learning
4th October: Amelia A, Leo A, Jack W and Isabella C
11th October: Imogen S, Lilly M, Albie T and Finley L