At The Schools of Woolton Hill we have all been very busy learning outdoors! By the end of this week, every class will have enjoyed their first Outdoor Learning lesson using our new facilities and amazing school grounds.
This term, all classes are focused on learning knots and have been developing their skills - tying school laces, reef knots and clove hitches! This leads in well to next terms focus on den building when the children will use all their new knot skills to good effect.
We have been delighted to welcome some parent helpers to our sessions too and we want to say a huge thank you to Michaela Bessell for producing us the most beautiful sign for our Outdoor Learning area. This is such a superb addition to our school grounds and will help all the children remember our agreed rules for learning outside.
We continue to look at ways to further develop our school grounds to create more quality spaces for outdoor activities and to develop biodiversity and places for nature to thrive. Can you help? We are looking for some tree stumps for a new log circle seating area, mulch for tree planting and some good quality wooden pallets to construct a giant bug hotel. If you can help with sourcing any of these items please get in touch with Miss Knapp.
