Friday 25 November 2022
Headteacher's Update
Thank you to all of the parents from across the Federation who joined us for the maths Information event. Mrs Robinson-Slater discussed the approach to teaching the subject across our schools, which focuses on developing children's mathematical reasoning skills. Then our parents enjoyed demonstrations of number operations delivered by our amazing children. Thank you to all the staff who supported the event.
At St Thomas' we teach the children how to keep themselves safe. Last week was National Anti-Bullying week and this was a focus in our assemblies and in the classroom. the theme of the work was to 'reach out' to an adult if they feel themselves a victim of bullying or witness it happening to someone else. Please talk to your child about who they can speak to, if they are worried.
Thank you to all the children and parents who supported our fundraising for Children in Need by baking cakes and wearing non-uniform. The Infants raised £246.00 and the Juniors £289.80 making a grand total of £535.80! We also raised £156.80 selling our crocus bulbs in aid of the End Polio Campaign. Thank you !
Thank you to our parents and grandparents who have answered our call to volunteer in school. Our library volunteers have been working particularly hard and it is looking amazing.
Volunteers Required
We are looking for parents and members of our community to volunteer to hear our children read in school. Daily reading is an important part of developing a child's fluency and comprehension skills. Listening to children read and supporting their skills, is fun and rewarding and you will be supported/trained for the role.
This role would be a perfect role for Grandparents!
If you have 30 minutes that you can spare each week, then please email your details to
Safeguarding is important in all schools and all volunteers are DBS checked before starting their role.
Open Days
Is your child is starting school in September 2023. Perhaps they will be transferring to Junior School next September? We have upcoming Open Days, where you can see our brilliant schools in action.
Year 2 Parents: Junior School Admissions
A reminder that although we are a Federation, parents do still need to submit an application for a place for their child at Woolton Hill Junior School in Year 3. Applications can be made here. The deadline is 15th January 2023.
Starting School in September 2023
If your child is 4 or will turn 4 before 1 September 2023 they can start school in September 2023. For more information go to
The national closing date for applications is 15th January 2023.
Nativity Play
We are delighted that this year our Nativity Play returns to St Thomas' Church and will feature all of our pupils. Tickets for the play are limited strictly to two per family in total due to space in the Church. It is important that you only book two tickets in total so as each parent has the opportunity to watch the Nativity. Please follow the link below and select the performance you wish to come to and book your tickets. Each child is expected to be at both performances. Any questions regarding costumes please speak to your child's teacher.
Star Awards
The following children received Star Awards this week!
They should all be really proud, well done!
Alex Stone
Oscar Tappin
Isla Hall
Denys Kirnos
Gabriella Andrade
Lilly Merritt
Matilda Pontin
George Maestri
Six Strands Awards
Jessica Webber
Layla Marcham
Lexi Whittaker
Bethany Russell
Find out more about our 'Six Strands Curriculum' here.