Friday 11 November 2022
Headteacher's Update
It's been a very busy week at school. We have been delighted to have the opportunity to host Woolton Hill Pre-School whilst repairs are carried out at the village hall. It was wonderful to see so many parents attend the progress consultations this week. I hope you found the feedback useful and it gave you an insight into how you can support your child's learning. On Monday we will be hosting a maths workshop for all parents in the Federation - do come along to find out about how maths is taught in our classrooms.
I would like to thank you all for an amazing response to our Harvest Festival appeal. The West Berkshire Food Bank were delighted with the donations received from both schools which weighed in at 198.8kgs. This equates to 417 meals that our school community have provided for West Berks clients who are desperately in need. Thank you for your continued support.
Odd Socks Day Monday 14th November
Monday 14th November is Odd Socks Day, this marks the start of Anti-Bullying Week. We would like to invite children to come to school on Monday wearing odd socks to celebrate this. We will have an assembly to introduce the day and to explain the importance of Anti-Bullying Week. The whole school day will have a PSHE focus and pupils will work on different activities linked to this, as part of our PSHE curriculum.
Children in Need
We are encouraging everyone to have a go and join in the fun in our SPOTacular bake sale on Thursday 17th November. Please can you make and decorate either a whole cake, 6 small cakes or 6 biscuits with a spotty or Children in Need theme? Please bring in your entry to school on Thursday morning (17th) where they will be judged by the school council. The winner will be announced in our Celebration Assembly. There will be a prize for the winner in each class. The school council team will sell the cakes and bakes at the end of the day on Thursday for £1 or 50p. Please remember no nuts.
On Friday 18th November, we are inviting the children to be SPOTacular for Children in Need! We will be holding a non-uniform day at school. Children can come in their home clothes or wear something yellow/spotty. Sports shirts can be worn but not full kit please, and sensible footwear. To help raise money for this amazing charity, we are asking that everyone kindly makes a donation, ideally £1.
We hope you can support us raising money for Children in Need.
Thank you
India W, Henry B, Sofia E, Oscar L, Thea S and Mollie F
St. Thomas’ Infant School Council committee
Home Learning - IMPORTANT
Please ensure your child brings to school their Home Learning items as follows:
Hedgehog Class Homework folder & phonetically decodable book to be returned to school every Thursday A new homework folder & phonetically decodable book will then be issued to your child every Friday. Library book swap day is on a Friday - if your child does not return their book from the previous week they will not be able to swap for another.
Badgers Class Homework folder & phonetically decodable book to be returned to school every Thursday A new homework folder & phonetically decodable book will then be issued to your child every Friday. In addition to the homework folder some children in Year 1 have been issued with a red home spelling book. This also needs to be back on a Thursday to come home on a Friday. Library swap day is on a Thursday - if your child does not return their book from the previous week they will not be able to swap for another.
Otters Class Homework folder and red Home Spelling book to be returned to school every Thursday, ready for the issue of new spellings and homework on a Friday. Your child's phonetically decodable book should be in their bag every day and will be changed every two weeks. Library swap day is on a Friday - if your child does not return their book from the previous week they will not be able to swap for another.
Owls Class Homework folder and red Home Spelling book (if they have been issued with one) to be returned to school every Thursday, ready for the issue of new spellings and homework on a Friday. Your child's phonetically decodable book should be in their bag every day and will be changed every two weeks. Library swap day is on a Friday - if your child does not return their book from the previous week they will not be able to swap for another.
Please can you ensure that if your child is in KS1 they come to school on p.e. day wearing the correct p.e. kit i.e. red t-shirt and royal blue shorts with either a plain hoodie or sweatshirt and plain joggers. Children should not be wearing colourful jumpers etc.
Long hair should be properly tied back. We have had a number of cases of headlice in school recently, please can you check your child's hair regularly and treat if necessary.
The days your child does not have pe they should come to school wearing the correct uniform with school shoes and not trainers or boots. All uniform should be clearly named so it can be reunited. Every child should be bringing in a named water bottle daily containing water and not squash and a suitable winter coat. Thank you.
Volunteers Required
We are looking for parents and members of our community to volunteer to hear our children read in school. Daily reading is an important part of developing a child's fluency and comprehension skills. Listening to children read and supporting their skills, is fun and rewarding and you will be supported/trained for the role.
This role would be a perfect role for Grandparents!
If you have 30 minutes that you can spare each week, then please email your details to
Safeguarding is important in all schools and all volunteers are DBS checked before starting their role.
Open Days
Is your child starting school in September 2023. Perhaps they will be transferring to Junior School next September? We have upcoming Open Days, where you can see our brilliant schools in action.
Job Vacancies Across the Federation
There are opportunities to join our staff team at St Thomas Infant and Woolton Hill Junior. Click here to find out more.
Please can we remind everybody not to park in the Church Hall Car Park at drop off and pick up times. This parking is strictly for use by parents with children who attend Woolton Hill Pre-School, their staff and people who hire the hall. Thank you for your co-operation.
Star Awards
The following children received Star Awards this week!
They should all be really proud, well done!
Alex Stone
Annaliese Skeath
Roddy Maclean
Layla Marcham
Bella Baker
India Vance
Arlo Brownell
Layla Dennis
Six Strands Awards
Find out more about our 'Six Strands Curriculum' here.
Noah Preston
Elissia Skeath
Thea Butler
Scarlett Stones