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Infant Newsletter

Friday 3rd March

Headteacher's Update

Pupils across the Schools of Woolton Hill were recently treated to an Evening of Star Gazing, supported by the Newbury Astronomical Society. Inspired by the development of our new school house team, (which are all constellations in the sky above our village), the children asked if they could have an opportunity to spot the star patterns for themselves.

The children started by learning about Astronomy that morning, with a talk by Society Chairman, George Sallit who took the children on a multi-media “Journey to the Stars”. The children listened with rapt attention and asked plenty of questions.

Although there was a bit more cloud in the sky that night, it didn’t stop our intrepid families going on to the playground, armed with their own telescopes, binoculars and star gazing Apps to put what they’d learnt into action. The society were on hand with their laser pens to point out areas of interest and answer the children’s questions.

Thank you to the Newbury Astronomical Society for inspiring our children and also a big thank you to the ‘Friends of Woolton Hill Junior School’ for providing the tasty refreshments.

Industrial Action

Thank you to all of you for your understanding during this week’s strike action. A reminder that further possible days for our area are: 15th and 16th March. I would advise you to seek alternative childcare arrangements in case the school needs to close/partially close. I will write with updated information as it becomes known.


I would like to remind everybody about parking around the school at drop off and pick up times. A number of complaints have been made to us about inconsiderate and dangerous parking around the school, especially on Church Road.

Please DO NOT park on the single yellow line as you enter Church Road before the layby as this causes a dangerous situation, there are children crossing the road walking to school from the Parish Field and cars driving in to Church Road cannot see what is approaching from the opposite direction.

We have also had complaints from residents about people parking on the double yellow lines on Woolton Hill Road.

When parking and driving around the school, please ensure that due care and consideration is shown at all times to ensure the safety of our children.

We have again requested the assistance of the local Police to monitor this situation. Please can you ensure that this information is passed on to all people who drop off and collect children from school.

Thank you for your continued support to ensure the safety of all concerned.

Book Week

I hope the children are looking forward to all of the events we have planned for next week's Book Week. We are incredibly lucky to have a special story telling workshop on Tuesday morning. This event is kindly sponsored by our PTA. Thank you!

On Wednesday parents can join the children in school for our special reading café. Click below to book your place. Parents should drop their children on the playground in the usual way and then go to the school hall. The children will be brought to you after they have been registered.

Children are invited to dress in pyjamas and dressing gown for Friday.


Quackers are busy preparing to take over as our provider of Breakfast Club from 7.30am and After-School care until 6pm. The clubs will be open to all pupils from the Infants and Juniors and will be based at St Thomas'. You can find out more details about Quackers' services and register to book here.

I hope to be able to inform you of the start date soon. In the meantime we will look to maintain the 'emergency' cover. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members of our fantastic team who have stepped up to provide this service at very short notice.

Governor Vacancies

Have you ever thought about becoming a school governor? We have vacancies on our Governing Body for both parents and members of the community. Click here to find out more.


Star Awards

The following children received Star Awards this week! They should all be really proud, well done!

Ellie Brittain

Oscar Tappin

Fred Pocock

Millie Colling

Gabriella Andrade

Aidan Fisher

Toby Preston

Nella Harrison

Six Strands Awards


Dylan Kang

Zalie Warren

Mollie Watson

Arlo Brownell

Dates for Diary

Friday 17th March - Bags2School

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