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Junior Newsletter

Writer's picture: Mr DaviesMr Davies
Friday 17th May

Headteacher's Update

Well done to all the Year 6 pupils who took part in their SATS tests this week. We are really proud of the way they have approached the test this week and for doing their best. We can be very proud of every one of them.

I would also like to thank all of the staff for the support they have given to the children and to the kitchen team for providing them with a tasty breakfast each morning.

We are always thinking about ways to support children's wellbeing and help them to find ways to manage any difficulties they might face.

In school we continue to commit to our Life Learning curriculum as well as regular class 'Stormbreaks' to support children with learning how to manage big emotions and support their mental health through daily movement. Its most important children get out in the fresh air, meet friends, eat healthily and move their bodies but some children may find apps useful for things such as learning about emotions and managing anxiety.

There are thousands of these types of apps, but to cut through the fog 'Internet Matters' have put together a list which gives details such as: suitable ages, purpose, how the app works and (where applicable) the cost.

You can find the list of apps HERE.

Outdoor Learning Update

Mrs Jones and Miss Knapp are delighted to announce that the next stage of our Outdoor Learning provision is now fully underway! Thanks to the support of our amazing 'Friends of Woolton Hill' and their fundraising efforts over the past year, we are now able to start digging ground and placing orders for our next building project! 

We have been working hard on making our vision come to life and planning the curriculum we will start teaching in September. We anticipate this will launch with Den Building skills over the first half of the autumn term. Classes from EYFS to Year 6 will visit our new Outdoor Classroom and the outdoor areas on the Junior site for at least two afternoons every half term. 

We are also really looking forward to our INSET Day on 14th June where the staff will all have Outdoor Learning training from the Hampshire Outdoors Team. 

Over June and July, we will see the following changes on the Junior site so that we are then ready to fully launch our Outdoor Learning Curriculum from September 2024. 

  1. The Woodlands Room on the field will be transformed into a cosy and inviting outdoor learning classroom complete with welly storage, outdoor sink and plenty of space to meet and talk through the lesson ahead. 

  2. A new area for dedicated den building. 

  3. A new 'wiggle pathway' with twisted chestnut pergolas' to our existing woodland area, linking all of our Outdoor Learning areas together. 

  4. A new area for small groups with an outdoor mud kitchen and water play area. 

  5. A barefoot sensory walkway. 

*The works in June will mean that some areas of the Junior car park will be coned/fenced off for the builders vehicles and equipment, we apologise for any inconvenience. 

Sporting Update

A group of Lower school children took part in a cricket event at Falkland Cricket club on 7th May. They took part in a variety of activities to develop their cricketing skills at different stations and had a wonderful time. Many thanks to Mr Preston and Mrs Gibby for helping with transport to enable the child to attend and to Mrs Brittain and Mrs Hannah for accompanying the children.

Dates for your Diary

Friday 5th July: Federation Move Up Morning. Our staffing structure for next year will be announced and children will meet their new teachers.

Friday 5th July: Woolfest

Tuesday 9th July: Federation Sports Day & Picnic. More details to follow.

Friday 12th July: Reserve Sports Day.

Weds 17th July to Friday 19th July: Federation Arts Festival. More Details to follow.

Weds 17th July: Year 5/6 Production - More details to follow.

Friday 19th July: Annual Reports Issued

Friday 19th July: Year 6 'Oscars' evening.

Tuesday 23 July: End of Term at 3.15pm.

Update from the Young Journalists

It has been a busy week at Woolton Hill Junior School. The lucky year sixes have been doing their SATs and have been getting excited about the end of year production! They are also preparing for the trip to Calshot which is filled with lots of activities and fun.

The SATs are very tricky tests which involve problem solving and reasoning. They were greeted in the mornings by a warm bacon roll (special thanks to the kitchen staff). We have recently held an outdoor learning day when children have been outdoors in the sun and rain filled with lots of smiles and adventure across the school grounds.

Also, Woolton Hill Junior School has been born under a successful star; as their woodland area has been expanded so that means more adventures for the whole school - and even St. Thomas’s Infant School. The lucky Year 3 and 4’s have been going swimming at North Croft which they are very happy about.

Written by The Young Journalists

Meet the Team: Miss Villis

Miss Villis is a Teaching Assistant who works in Upper School; usually based in Beech class. The Young Journalists recently sat down for an interview to find out a bit more about her.

Miss Villis, has lots of hobbies such as: walking her dog, going running when it’s sunny, doing yoga, shopping, visiting cafe’s and swimming.

On a Sunday she likes to chill and spend time with her children. She also likes to take her dog on walks.

Did you know that if Miss Villis was an animal she would be a robin? She says this is because she likes to look around and see things. She added that a robin is an elegant bird and people say that if you have lost someone, a robin is a sign of them visiting you.

We asked her about where she would like to go on holiday. She said she would go to Barbados as it is somewhere hot and sunny with amazing beeches.

Her favourite sandwich filling is chicken salad flavour. Mmmmmmmmmmmm

Also her go-to sauce is ketchup (go-to meaning that if you had one sauce in mind it would be …)

Written by The Young Journalists

Letting Our Light Shine

We have more fantastic achievements to recognise and celebrate this week.

Freddy had an amazing weekend racing in Motocross. He spent last weekend at Landrake, racing in the Nora British Cup, a big race with a lot of very fast children! (Mostly older than Freddy). We are very proud to say that Freddy came 3rd overall. He actually won the first race of the weekend but came off in the second. Day two was consistent, him the 3rd overall for both days!

His training is certainly paying off and he is doing so well. His aim now is to keep reaching for the top and to get that 1st on the podium at national level!

Fin is going to do a sponsored hike of the Welsh three peaks challenge (three of the highest mountains in Wales) trying to raise £100 for the Woolton Hill Beaver, Cub and Scouts groups to spend on some camping and adventure gear. More gear means more camps, meaning more fun and adventures!

Parent Prayer Group

Would you be interested in meeting up with other parents to pray for the Schools of Woolton Hill? We would like to invite you to join us for coffee, chat and prayer on the following Friday morning between 9-10 a.m.:

24th May

28th June

19th July


If you are interested and would like to join us, please email:

Tel:  07980009790


If you are interested but can’t make these dates, please let us know. We look forward to hearing from you and meeting with you.


Alice McClean (Parent)

Fiona Ashworth (Foundation Governor)


Please make sure all jumpers and cardigans are clearly named, in the warm weather children often take them off and they can easily get muddled up if not named.

Our last INSET day for this year will take place on Friday 14th June. Next year's INSET dates will be published before half term.


There will be a Bags2School collection on Tuesday 21st May. Please feel free to bring your bags and leave them in the outside classroom anytime from Monday 20th.  Please see below items they will/will not collect.  Your child will bring home a bag with them tonight.  Thank you for your continued support.

Star Awards

The following children received Star Awards this week! They should all be really proud, well done!

10th May: Amelia A, Isabella C, Elodie H, Albie T, Ashley M, Emily W, Eloise D, Nel M, Fin L, Polly P, Ellis C, Dylan M, Rosie A and Josh L.

17th May: Archie H, Rosie A, Lilliana F, Leo A, Jemima R, Sophia C, Darcey H, Harry C, Nicholas M, Sofiia P, Jack B, Isabelle G and Ollie B.

Hot Chocolate

10th May: Alfie K, Daisy L, Finn E, Daniel B and Charlie M.

17th May: Thomas H, Sebi H, Ellie C, Jack D and Caden H.

Life Learning


10th May: Niamh J, Isabelle G, Bertie J, Max A and Finn K.

17th May: Noah P, Dylan M, Ashley M, William S and Beth I.

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