Headteachers Update

Welcome back to everybody after the Easter holidays. The children have returned energised and keen to get stuck in to their learning. Its been a busy week, Hazel have started their swimming lessons and Oak, Beech and Elm classes are launching their new topic today, dressed up as Victorian School children.
Year 5 returned from a very successful residential trip to Tile Barn, having enjoyed a wide variety of outdoor and adventurous activities. The children did us proud and we received several comments from the centre staff about how well behaved they were. I would like to thank the staff team that took the children for all they did in making this trip a success.
Welcome to Miss Tice who has made a fantastic start, teaching in Elm class this week.
Please click here to read my latest school improvement update. In it I talk about the achievements of the Federation during my first year as Headteacher. I also look ahead to our plans for further developments.
Victorian Day
Our aim is to ensure that all children find their learning 'irresistible'. To excite and engage the children, each topic will start with a lesson or event to 'hook' the children in to the subject. This term's topics have a History theme. Next week Hazel & Rowan visit Hampton Court. Today Elm, Beech & Oak enjoyed a Victorian day. They came dressed as Victorian children and enjoyed learning in the style of a Victorian school. We hope to put some photos on the website next week.
I'm certain that all parents will agree with how important reading is to their child's education. Not only is the skill important in itself, but it is the tool with which children can access the rest of the curriculum. I am writing to ask all parents to support the school in making reading for pleasure a priority. We ask all children to read regularly at home to an adult and that this reading is recorded in the Reading Diary. Children will have school books that they bring home. It is really important that these books are brought back into school each day along with the diary. Please support the school by reminding your child to bring these in each morning.
As part of our drive to improve children's reading we have recently launched the 'Reading Buddies' scheme across the Federation. You can read about this here.
Diary Dates
We are planning a number of exciting events this term. We have updated our events calendar with details. Keep checking back as more events are added.
We have children in school who are allergic to nuts, kiwi fruit & sesame. I would like to remind parents that none of these should be brought to school in children's lunch boxes.
Children who have their ears pierced are allowed to wear a small stud. Larger earrings, e.g. hoops, are not allowed. These should be removed for PE or covered in tape, which the children should bring to school.
Governing Body
The Governing Body is also looking to recruit a new Clerk. This is a paid role and you can find out more by clicking here.

Star Awards
Congratulations to the following children for their recent star awards. Star awards are displayed in school for a week and then sent home.
29th April: Harry C, Ellis C, Nicholas M, Harley H, Nell W, Eva H, Harriet O, Josie F, Jimmy P, Josh H, Noah M and Amelia R.

Hot Chocolate Awards
29th April: Eloise D, Sophia C, Henry T, Graham C and Alula D.
Other updates
Covid-19 Vaccinations for 5-11 year olds
All children aged 5-11 are now eligible for their first jabs as the Covid-19 programme rolls the vaccine out across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. The vaccine is a specifically developed paediatric version for children. Parents are able to access the vaccine through vaccinations centres, local pharmacies and GPs. This vaccination is not currently being delivered via the school nursing team so vaccinations won't take place at school.