We received a fantastic response to our uniform consultation, and I would like to thank all the parents and children who responded. School uniform is a key component of our vision and values, and a physical representation of what we stand for, so we're excited to reach this key milestone.
We listened carefully to what you said you wanted and have tried to reflect these views in the final decisions.
In addition to being smart, durable and cost-effective; the majority of parents wanted one jumper and one PE top that could be worn across both schools, thus saving the expense of purchasing new uniform at the end of Key Stage One. Further, Polo shirts were preferred over collared shirts, being longer lasting and easier to launder, and the majority of parents also favoured the removal of the school tie.
I am excited to unveil the new School Uniform for St. Thomas Infant and Woolton Hill Junior School. The children have said how smart it is and how much they like it. Full details can be found on our website.
Transition to the new uniform
This new uniform will be introduced from September 2023.
We are asking pupils who enter Year R and Year 3 to wear the new uniform when they start their new school. Pupils in other year groups only need to switch when their current uniform becomes too small or worn out. We anticipate that all children will be wearing our new uniform by September 2024.
Where to buy
Uniform jumpers and cardigans can be purchased from our uniform supplier Price and Buckland. Sky blue polo shirts, trousers, skirts, shoes etc. are available from most supermarkets. We hope that both of our PTAs will quickly build up stocks of "pre-loved" uniform that will be available to purchase as the year progresses.
PE uniform

We have decided to have just one PE uniform for the whole Federation and the PE polo can be also be purchased from Price and Buckland. They are currently accepting pre-orders on this item and anticipate being able to deliver them to school for the start of September 23.
In the Autumn term we will return to all pupils coming to school each day dressed in school uniform. On PE days children will be asked to bring their kits to school in a bag and change before the lesson.
We understand the need to make our uniform as affordable as possible and have tried to limit the number of items with logos. In addition we will provide all of our children who are eligible for the pupil premium with one school jumper and one PE polo. We will be in touch in the next few weeks with details on how to order these items. If you are currently experiencing financial difficulties and are worried about this uniform change, then do make contact with me and we can discuss ways in which the school can support.
Another step on our journey
A single uniform is another important step on our journey in building a strong Federation and I am very excited to see how smart the children will look in it.