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Junior Newsletter

Friday 24 November 2022

Headteacher's Update

Thank you to all of the parents from across the Federation who joined us for the maths information event. Mrs Robinson-Slater discussed the approach to teaching the subject across our schools, which focuses on developing children's mathematical reasoning skills. Then our parents enjoyed demonstrations of number operations delivered by our amazing children. Thank you to all the staff who supported the event.

The children in Year 5 and 6 enjoyed a very active local visit to The Chase to explore the Penwood Stream. This visit was facilitated by the Kennet River Trust where their education staff led a brilliant classroom session and then river study. The children explored the characteristics of a chalk stream, learnt more about the features of a river and then at the river explored the invertebrate life - concluding that the river was indeed very healthy! This visit really enhanced the children's understanding of a river system, and children were able to demonstrate a huge amount of knowledge and understanding following the visit.

At WHJS we teach the children how to keep themselves safe. Last week was National Anti-Bullying week and this was a focus in our assemblies and in the classroom. The theme of the work was to 'reach out' to an adult if they feel themselves a victim of bullying or witness it happening to someone else. Please talk to your child about who they can speak to, if they are worried.

Thank you to all the children and parents who supported our fundraising for Children in Need by baking cakes and wearing non-uniform. The Infants raised £246 and the Juniors £289.80 making a grand total of £535.80!

Open Days

Is your child starting school in September 2023. Perhaps they will be transferring to Junior School next September? We have upcoming Open Days, where you can see our brilliant schools in action.



After school clubs will finish on the following dates this term:

Dance - last session Thursday 1st December (plus performance to parents)

Netball - last session Wednesday 7th December

Football - last session Monday 12th December

Tag Rugby - last session Thursday 15th December

Reading Challenge

Our pupils, Josie & Tillie are challenging pupils at the Junior school to participate in a 'reading challenge'. Children are asked to submit a photo of themselves reading in unusual place. Prizes are available for the best entries to be received before the deadline of Friday 2nd December.

Woolton Hill Pre-School

We were all very sorry to hear about the problems that have affected the floor of the village hall and hope that these can be quickly resolved. In the meantime we are pleased to be able to temporarily host the pre-school in our Woodlands Building - they are very welcome. In order to accommodate the pre-school the Casa breakfast club has temporarily moved (first into the ICT suite, now in the school hall) and we are very grateful for their flexibility and support.

Emilia, one of our young writers has been inspired to write a newspaper article based on the events at the Village Hall. It's an excellent piece of writing and we would like to share it with you. Although based on real events, the article itself, including the quotes, is fictional.

Car Park

A reminder that we operate a 'kiss and drop' system in our car park. If parents need to get out of the car for any reason, then they should please park in a space. Stopping on the road blocks the way for other cars. Thank you for your cooperation.

Also a reminder not to park on any of the yellow lines in the vicinity of the school, keeping these clear helps children to see traffic more easily when crossing the road and also helps the local residents.

Volunteers Required

We are looking for parents and members of our community to volunteer to hear our children read in school. Daily reading is an important part of developing a child's fluency and comprehension skills. Listening to children read and supporting their skills, is fun and rewarding and you will be supported/trained in this role.

This would be a perfect role for Grandparents!

If you have 30 minutes that you can spare each week, then please email your details to

Safeguarding is important in all schools and all volunteers are DBS checked before starting their role.

Christmas Events

Also children are invited to take part in the musical extravaganza and don't forget to sign up for Christmas lunch!

Click here for the extravaganza.

Click here for Christmas lunch.


Our brave rugby players almost needed their swimming skills as they played through the torrential rain yesterday afternoon. They showed incredible resilience to keep going and their great team work resulted in two wins and a draw. Many thanks to Mrs Pilbrow and Mrs Elvin for assisting with transport to the match and to all the parents that collected very wet children at the end of the afternoon. We are looking forward to the next round of matches in the new year.


Star Awards

The following children received Star Awards this week! They should all be really proud, well done!

25th Nov: Jessica O, Grace H, Addie F, Sofiia P, Harry C, Holly S, Lucas B, Nicholas M, Cayden B, Amarea W, Grace G, Emilia K and Millie T.

Six Strands Awards


25th Nov: Maxey R, Max A, Caden H, Eileen D and Ashley M.

Find out more about our 'Six Strands Curriculum' here.

Hot Chocolate

The following children were invited to have Hot Chocolate with Mr Davies and talk about the highlights of their week!

25th Nov: Charlotte B, Tyler W, Bertie J, Jamie E, Maddison S and Freddie L.


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1 Comment

Unknown member
Nov 25, 2022

I love the church hall news report!! Great work!

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