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Junior Newsletter

Writer's picture: Mr DaviesMr Davies
Thursday 15th June

Headteacher's Update

I am delighted to launch the Federation Improvement Plan for 2023-24. Over the last term, several meetings have taken plan with governors and staff to plan the next stage of our Federation's improvement journey.

We are seeking to build on our fantastic OFSTED inspections and set the strategic direction to take us to outstanding when they return in 2027. These long-term strategic objectives are set out in The Strategic Plan 2023 - 2027. This sets out five clear priorities:

The one year Federation Improvement Plan has seven key actions to deliver on these priorities in the next 12 months:

  1. Develop modelled & shared writing.

  2. Develop task design in mathematics.

  3. Enhance the impact of senior leaders.

  4. Improve the accuracy of formative assessment.

  5. Engage all of our families.

  6. Develop the Six-Strands Curriculum.

  7. Develop learning in the outdoors.

Please follow this link to read more about our school improvement journey and how we are seeking to provide all of our pupils with the best possible education. I will be keeping you updated on how we are delivering on these priorities.

Finally, our Year 6 pupils have had a wonderful few days learning and living at the Calshot Activities Centre. If you have not had a chance to catch up with a blog updates from the Centre - please read them here.

Year 5 'Go Ape' Trip

Year 5 enjoyed a wonderfully sunny and hot day at Go Ape on Wednesday. The children took part in a range of team building games where they demonstrated excellent problem solving skills and communication with each other to find the solution. After lunch, we went up into the trees and enjoyed the high ropes, with some children facing their fears and having a go. All children showed amazing resilience and were supportive of each other.

Open Days

We’re delighted to share dates for this years Open Days. If you have children looking to start in September 2024 then this is your opportunity to look around both schools and to learn how we can help your child to “Let their light shine”.

Follow this link to register.

Parent Workshop on 'Managing your Child's Behaviour at Home - open to ALL parents.

We would like to invite parents to sign up for our new Parent Workshop which will take place on Tuesday 20th June, 6pm to 8pm at Woolton Hill Junior School.

This will be run by Zoe and Sebastian from the Primary Behaviour Service who have a wealth of experience and understanding of behaviour both in school and at home. We have worked with them extensively in school and now it is time to share their expertise with parents too.

Although the workshop will be held at the Junior School, it is open to all parents from across the Federation. It will be invaluable for all parents to come and learn more about behaviour, setting boundaries at home, understanding why children 'meltdown' and how to help, finding ways to reduce screen time without arguments, finding things that work to help family life run calmly at home.

Tea and coffee will be available from 5:45pm and the event starts at 6pm. Parents should contact school if they would like to attend but are unable to find childcare as we may be able to support.

Book your place here:

This is not just a workshop for parents struggling with behaviour at home but for all parents to come and learn more, find new approaches, understand why behaviours are seen and ask questions!

Year 5/6 Production

Upper KS2 will be proudly presenting a retelling of the Legend of Robin Hood - Hoodwinked on Wednesday 12th July. A swashbuckling modern adaptation of the traditional Robin Hood story, Hoodwinked will have your audience 'booing', 'hissing' and 'cheering' with gusto.

Year 5/6 parents can now book FREE tickets for the shows at 2pm and 5pm via this link to the vents page of our website .



We are initially limiting tickets to 2 per family per performance. If more tickets become available we will let our families know. This will ensure that there is room for all our families to attend.

Arts Week w/b 3 July

This year the theme for Arts week is 'Nature and Colour'. All of our children we be taking part in a variety of different art activities, including a visit from the author/illustrator Tim Furr. He will visit each class and lead a workshop based around his new book Monsters, Myths and other Malarkey. Tim will be signing copies of his book after school on Tuesday at St Thomas' and on Wednesday at the Junior School.

I would like to invite all parents to visit their child's classroom from 3pm onwards on Thursday 6th July to view a gallery of work produced across the week.

Sports Day

This year our Federation Sports day will be held on Friday 7th July at the Junior School. The school gates will be open at 9.20am and the whole family is welcome to come along and show their support. A family picnic will take place at lunch and afterwards children are free to leave school with their family. Further details will be available closer to the event.

Please remember to show consideration for our neighbours when parking for this event or preferably please walk into school that day.

Term Dates & INSETs

School is closed tomorrow for staff INSET (Friday 16th June 2023).

Please follow this link to view our term dates and INSET days for 2023/24.


I would like to remind all parents to ensure that all dinner money and trip debts are paid before the end of this term.

WoolFest 2023

To register to attend WoolFest click below:

Governor Vacancies

Have you ever thought about becoming a school governor? We have vacancies on our Governing Body for both parents and members of the community. Click here to find out more.

Sports Events

Tennis: Four children competed in the year 5/6 tennis event at Park House School last week. Due to the year 6 Calshot trip our team only had players from year 5 so we were delighted to finish in second place. Congratulations to all who took part.

Star Awards

The following children received Star Awards this week! They should all be really proud, well done!

9th June: Tyler W, Lillianna F, Nina H, Martin M-B, Ella W, Daniel B, Sophia C, Joshua W-G.

Hot Chocolate

9th June: Ellie C, Isabelle G, Jack B and Cayden B

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