Friday 31st March
Headteacher's Update

I would like to thank everyone who has attended Parents Evening Meetings over the last few weeks. These were an opportunity to discuss your child's strengths in different curriculum subjects, find out about their next steps and understand how you can support their progress at home. It was good to receive some positive feedback from parents on their experience of these meetings. If you have not been able to make it into school to meet your child's teacher, then please contact the office and we will make you an appointment as soon as possible.
Children from both the Infants and Juniors have represented the Federation at a number of sporting events in the last fortnight. You can read more in the match reports below, but I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff who have organised these opportunities, parents who helped transport the children, and the teams themselves for representing their school with such pride.
Well done to all the pupils in Year 6 who recently passed their 'Bikeability' Cycle training. It was great to see so many of our pupils out on the roads around the village; learning to safely use this healthy and environmentally friendly method of transport.
We break for the Easter holiday today. I wish all of our families a relaxing break and I have my fingers crossed for some sunshine! I look forward to welcoming the children back to school at 8.45am on Monday 17th April.
I would like to remind parents of our uniform expectations across the Federation. If the children do not have PE, they should come to school wearing their normal uniform. This includes wearing black shoes. Children must not wear trainers to school on these days. As the summer term begins children have the option to wear a polo shirt with no tie or a summer dress/shorts.
When wearing PE kit children can wear a dark coloured tracksuit or their school jumper. Leggings and hoodies are not acceptable.
Full details of our school uniform can be found here.
As you are aware, we will be launching a new uniform across the Federation for a phased introduction, from September 2023. I will write to parents with details of this in a few weeks. In the meantime, I ask for your support in ensuring the children maintain the highest standards of dress.
Quackers Club
Quackers have now started running breakfast and after school clubs for children across the Infants school, based at St Thomas. The clubs are really well attended, but there are still spaces available. Find out more information about our wrap around care and book your places here.
We would like to ask for your support with ensuring that children do not use the playground trim trails, gym equipment or MUGA at the junior school at drop off or at pick up. These are used widely during the school day and children love to access them, but they need to be fully supervised by school staff. For this reason, they should not be used before of after school.
We are reminding the children about this in assemblies but need your support too. Please can we request that no children (preschool or infants) use the equipment at drop off or pick up - this is because the equipment at the juniors is not age-appropriate for younger children, staff are not there to supervise at that time and this will also enable staff to leave and lock up the playground at the end of the day in a more timely fashion. Thank you for your help with this.
School Menu
The school menu changes after the Easter holidays. Please follow this link and share with your child so they are aware of the new choices. Thank you.
PE Days
Hazel: Monday and Thursday (swimming - please wear normal school uniform)
Rowan: Monday and Thursday (swimming - please wear normal school uniform)
Ash: Wednesday and Friday
Beech: Wednesday and Friday
Oak: Tuesday and Friday
Sports Events
Many of our children have had the opportunity to represent the school in a variety of sporting events over the last few weeks and they have all done us proud.
At the Newbury cross Country event, I would like to congratulate Rowan and Samuel who placed 25th and 26th respectively in their races. The Year 3/4 boys A team came second overall and the B team was 6th, these are all excellent achievements.
The High Five Netball finals took place recently. This competition is for the top 12 teams that came through qualifying. Our girls performed brilliantly as usual and were really pleased with their 7th place finish. Well done. At the same time another team of netballers took part in a Netball Festival at Thorngrove School and we were pleased to see their medals in school.
This week our Tag-rugby team have also been in action at St Martins and played fantastically well. Overall the team came 3rd in their league.
All of our players should feel really proud, not just of how they've played, but also how brilliantly they've represented our Federation.
Residential Trip Information Meetings
Beavers Success!
Congratulation to 5 pupils in Year 3, who recently have achieved the highest award Beaver's give! Read about it all by following this link to the Newbury Weekly News.
Star Awards
The following children received Star Awards this week! They should all be really proud, well done!
24th March: Scarlett M, Oliver B, Oliver J, Joshua L, Amelie R, Jasmine B-D, Alice F, Graham C, Xander B, Louann D, Daniel B, Izzy C and Alice F.
31st March: Finley L, Noah L, Harley H, Maxey R, Rose H, James H, Ella W, Finn K, Grace G, Sophia C, Henry W and all of year 6!
Six Strands Awards
24th March: Sofiia P, Jack D, Josie F, Katie D and Emily W
31st March: Joel H, Aria B, Jamie E, William W and Jimmy P
Hot Chocolate
24th March: Etta B-N, Darcey H, Nel M, Barney B and Freddie L
31st March: Ollie P, Teddy W, Barnaby W, Brian S and Rohan R