Friday 17th March
Headteacher's Update

I hope that you've had an opportunity to read the OFSTED report that has been recently published. If not you can download a copy of it here. We are really proud of what our wonderful staff team and pupils have achieved, but we are not standing still. Soon I will be working with senior leaders and Governors to plan our journey to "Outstanding". We will be creating a new Federation Improvement Plan to launch in the summer term and I will be excited to share the next phase of our Federation's journey with you over the coming term.
The children had enormous fun at last weeks School Disco. It was a great evening Thank you to the Friends of Woolton Hill Junior school for organising the event and to the parents and staff who helped on the night. The children have also enjoyed their Science week Learning - including an active and inspiring assembly on Monday. Thank to Mrs Jones for organising this.
Working Together for our Children
As a Federation, we are currently reviewing how we work with parents to best support the the education of all our children.
This includes how we communicate, how we listen and how we provide you with the information you need to support learning at home. As we develop our latest Federation Improvement Plan, it would be very helpful to gather parents views about how we can work together to support the children. Please take a few moments to complete the following survey to guide our action planning.
Book Week
What a wonderful week of book related activities, visitors and reading! It was fantastic to see our children and parents sharing books and getting so much pleasure from reading. The children enjoyed all the book related activities, including author visits, drama workshops and paired reading. You can read all about Book Week here.
Quackers Club
Quackers have now started running breakfast and after school clubs for children across the Infants school, based at St Thomas. The clubs are really well attended, but there are still spaces available. Find out more information about our wrap around care and book your places here.
We would like to ask for your support with ensuring that children do not use the playground trim trails, gym equipment or MUGA at the junior school at drop off or at pick up. These are used widely during the school day and children love to access them, but they need to be fully supervised by school staff. For this reason, they should not be used before of after school.
We are reminding the children about this in assemblies but need your support too. Please can we request that no children (preschool or infants) use the equipment at drop off or pick up - this is because the equipment at the juniors is not age-appropriate for younger children, staff are not there to supervise at that time and this will also enable staff to leave and lock up the playground at the end of the day in a more timely fashion. Thank you for your help with this.
We would also like to remind parents not to park on the yellow zig-zag lines just outside of the junior school gates. The Woolton Hill road is very busy at that time of day with school traffic and other vehicles. Parking outside the school can cause much traffic disruption that can endanger our families as they arrive, as well as other motorists. Please use the 'kiss and drop' system in the school car park, to deliver your children safely to school.
Bags 2 School
Thank you to all of the parents who contributed clothes and to the Friends for organising this initiative. It has raised an amazing £161.00!
Star Awards
The following children received Star Awards this week! They should all be really proud, well done!
10th March: Zara B, Ollie P, Harper D, Aria B, Daisy L, Ellis C, Dominic W, Henry A, Millie T, Laura H, Caden H, Archie L.
17th March: Lillianna F, Aria B, Alice M, William A, Bertie J, Ellis C, Ellie C, Max N, Nell W, Henry A, Josie F, Rhys H, Katie D and Graham C.
Six Strands Awards
10th March: Harry D, Henry W, Jack B, Lila R and Evie McLaughlin
17th March: Finley L, Grace H, Ella W, Jack W-G and Jasmine B-D
Hot Chocolate
10th March: Alfie K, Martin M-B, Graham C, Finn K and Polly P.
17th March: No hot chocolate today