Friday 21st June
Headteacher's Update

Work continues at pace in our Outdoor Area and we are delighted with what we see so far! We would like to invite parents in to view the new area and see groups of children taking part in a range of activities.
Please come along on Friday 28 June at any point from 2.30pm to the end of the school day. You will be able to tour the Outdoor Classroom and the refurbished Woodlands Room.

This new research might also interest parents. 'The weight of available evidence suggests that learning that takes place in the natural environment results in or is associated with a range of positive outcomes for school children, and should, therefore, be supported.'
Starting Infant or Junior School in September 2025?
Does your child start junior school in September 2025? Do you know someone who is looking for a Year 3 place for next year? Come along to our open morning to meet staff and children and to see our brilliant school in action.
Thurs 26th September @9am
Weds 23rd October @9am
Tues 26th November @9am
Register for any of these dates at this link:
Sports Day
This year our Federation Sports day will be held on Tuesday 9th July at the Junior School. The school gates will be open at 9.15am and the whole family is welcome to come along and show their support. A family picnic will take place at lunchtime, before children return to class for their afternoon lessons.
Please remember to show consideration for our neighbours when parking for this event or preferably please walk into school that day. Staff will park on the playground that morning to create more spaces for parents in the car park - we hope this will reduce congestion on the road outside the school and will help to keep everyone safe.
Library Volunteers
Can you help our wonderful School Library? We are looking for a parent (or grandparent) volunteer to join our team in keeping our school library running smoothly. Full training is offered but we really want someone or a few people who can commit to doing an hour a week in our Library (times to suit you!).
The role would involve - re-shelving and keeping the Library tidy, putting up simple book displays, interacting with classes when they visit the Library and for those who are keen adding and removing books to the Library system (full training offered).
If you are interested and think you could give a little of your time to volunteer with us please contact the school office or chat to Miss Knapp about the role.
From the Young Journalists

The lucky year sixes have just got back from an amazing trip to Calshot. The visit was filled with lots of fun activities such as kayaking, skiing, sailing, rock-climbing, archery, cycle skills and many more.
The children stayed in rooms of two and three and were exhausted every night after their eventful days; every morning, they were given a full English breakfast and lunch that was delicious.
One of the nights, there was a culinary country theme where for dinner they enjoyed a home-made Chinese meal.
Interview with Mrs McManus

Mrs McManus helps out in the offices at both the Infant and Junior Schools. An important part of her role is to manage the budget for the whole Federation. She loves her role and has enjoyed getting to know the children better at St Thomas’ before they move up to the Junior school.
Before she joined Woolton Hill, Mrs McManus was a qualified accountant. The highlight of her day is seeing all the smiling faces of the children. She adds, "Most days are great days and I come into school with a plan but it doesn’t work out very well - that's what schools are like."
Fun fact: her favourite fruit is strawberries and some of her hobbies are dog walking and reading. Her favourite meal from the canteen is either the pizza (which is served on Wednesday’s) or jacket potato. People would find it surprising that when she was younger she was very sporty and did lots of triathlons including: running, swimming and shooting. When its summer holidays she goes away to either somewhere in England she has never been to or somewhere over seas - this year she is going to the Maldives.
Moving Up
We are pleased to bring to your attention a new NHS resource to help parents when their child is moving up to new school - the videos and online courses have a focus on raising children's emotional wellbeing. For more information Click here
There are a further range of online courses and learning for parents here too: For more information Click here

Mental Health & Wellbeing
In response to parent requests, we have relocated and updated part of the school website to make it easier for parents to access support for Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health. This new area can be found under the curriculum tab and is named Wellbeing and Family Support. There you will find details about:
Our Family Support Workers
ELSA and Acorns Nurture group
Links to a wide range of additional support parents can access
Useful documents to download and use at home with your child
Moving Up
We are pleased to bring to your attention a new NHS resource to help parents when their child is moving up to new school - the videos and online courses have a focus on raising children's emotional wellbeing.
There are a further range of online courses and learning for parents here too:
East Woodhay PCC
The combined Parochial Church Council for East Woodhay, Woolton Hill, Highclere and Crux Easton, which is due to come into operation in June, is seeking a Treasurer.
You can find out more about the role on the St Martin's church website, Facebook page and also the Benefice Facebook page.
Please do let the PCC know if your are interested in in doing what is a crucial and fulfilling job.
Dates for Diary
Friday 28th June: KS1 Trip to Lepe Country Park - if you have not already done so please can you pay the cost of £20 via SCO Pay/Cash or Cheque.
Monday 1st July: Year R Trip to Hawk Conservancy
Friday 5th July: Federation Move Up Morning. Our staffing structure for next year will be announced and children will meet their new teachers.
Friday 5th July: Woolfest
Tuesday 9th July: Federation Sports Day & Picnic.
Friday 12th July: Reserve Sports Day.
Weds 17th July to Friday 19th July: Federation Arts Festival.
Friday 19th July: Annual Reports Issued
Friday 19th July: Summer Concert (pm) - exact time/details to be confirmed
Tuesday 23 July: End of Term at 3.15pm.
Star Awards
The following children received Star Awards this week! They should all be really proud, well done!
Charlotte Lubbers
Claire Maclean
Lexi Whittaker
Billy Doherty
Christian Davies
Oliver Merritt
Lilly Merritt
Isa Salas
Artie Ellis
Life Learning
Kayden Leonard
Noah Goodwill
Layla Dennis
Lorenzo Fernandes