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Infant Newsletter

Friday 28th April

Headteacher's Update

As part of the Big Help Out, our children have been performing acts of kindness to celebrate the King's Coronation. At St Thomas', all the children 'strutted their stuff' in an amazing 'Danceathon'. I would like to thank all of the children who took part and to all of the families who donated food items. these have been greatly received by the West Berks Food Bank.

You can find out more about our Coronation Celebrations here.

Walk to School Week

Walk to School Week takes place from Monday 15th May to Friday 19th May. This is a great chance to teach the importance of road safety, learn about the local environment and have a chat; whilst enjoying a healthy start to the day. It will also help congestion at the school gate. Children will be able to register their journeys on a chart in class and participants will receive a certificate at the end of the week. Your child will receive a leaflet about this today. You can also find out more about Walk to School Week here.

Sports Day

This year our Federation Sports day will be held on Friday 7th July at the Junior School. The school gates will be open at 9.20am and the whole family is welcome to come along and show their support. A family picnic will take place at lunch and afterwards children are free to leave school with their family. Further details will be available closer to the event.

Please remember to show consideration for our neighbours when parking for this event or preferably please walk into school that day.

Children's Birthdays

Recently, I have been asked about the Federation's policy on children bringing in sweets to school to hand out to the class when it is their birthday. I would like to thank all the parents who responded to the recent survey. 77% of respondents said that they thought children should continue to be allowed to distribute sweets to their classes on birthdays.

Given this is the clear preference, we shall continue to allow this across the Federation. Pupils will be told not to open the sweets in school and to take them home, so that parents can continue to exercise responsibility for when their children eat them. If you have any concerns about your child being given sweets, please speak to a member of staff.

Staff Vacancy

We are currently recruiting for a new teaching assistant at the Junior School. If you are interested in applying or know someone who might be, please view the details of the position here.

Governor Vacancies

Have you ever thought about becoming a school governor? We have vacancies on our Governing Body for both parents and members of the community. Click here to find out more.

Star Awards

The following children received Star Awards this week! They should all be really proud, well done!

Rosie Armstrong

Jack Grenrod

Ellis Dunstan

Archie Campbell

Gabriella Andrade

Evelyn Barnes

Zachary Hutt

Lorenzo Fernandes

Six Strands Awards

Self Regulation

Leo Amos

India Vance

Bethany Russell

Jessica Webber

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