I am delighted to inform you that the Lower Junior School Christmas Production is now available to view on our website. I also have some updates to share with you about the return to school in January.
Christmas Play

You can view the Christmas play by following this link (password has been shared separately in a letter to parents):
This wonderful production would not have been possible without Mr. Jon Walters and Mr. Stuart Ashby who filmed, edited and managed the sound production. We are very grateful for the hours of work this took and the quality of production that we can all enjoy. I would also like to thank the children for their performances and my dedicated staff for putting the show together.
January Updates
I would also like to inform you about a few organisational aspects for the Spring Term
PE Days for Spring Term:
Monday | Hazel and Rowan |
Tuesday | Oak and Beech |
Wednesday | Elm, Beech and Oak |
Thursday | Hazel and Rowan |
Friday | Elm |
A reminder that children should come to school in their PE kit on PE days, PE kit is a house coloured polo shirt or a plain white t-shirt, dark blue or black shorts, dark blue or black jogging/tracksuit bottoms and a dark blue or black plain tracksuit top or sweatshirt.
Lunch Menu
Due to stock availability during the first week back there will be the following change to the lunch menus:
Wednesday 5th January | Pork sausages, mashed potato and gravy Sweet potato and lentil curry with rice Vegetable burrito |
Thursday 6th January | Vegetable goujons Margherita pizza Jacket potato with baked beans |
Friday 7th January normal Friday week 2 | Baked battered fish Omelette filled with cheese and sliced tomato Ham carbonara |
Lunches continue to be £2.50 per day, please remember to top up your child’s lunch account so that it remains in credit.
School Opening
School is closed for INSET on Tuesday 4th January. Children return to school at 8.45am on Wednesday 5th January. We are not expecting the Government to change this due to the rise in the Omicron variant, however if anything changes due to government announcements we will inform you of the details on Tuesday 4th January.
May I take this opportunity to with you all a healthy and Happy Christmas. We look forward to seeing you all in January.
Best wishes
Paul Davies