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Newsletter 17 June 2022

Headteachers Update

What a busy time its been at Woolton Hill!

Year 6 had a had a brilliant week at Calshot. Miss Knapp really enjoyed visiting them on Wednesday and seeing how well they were working together as a team. I hope you've had a chance to look at the daily updates via the blog and have seen the fantastic range of activities that the pupils have enjoyed. Their behaviour has been excellent and the children have been a credit to our school. I would like to thank the Year 6 team of staff for all of their hard work in providing this opportunity for our pupils.

Federation Sports Day

Our first Federation Sports day will be held on Tuesday July 5th at the Junior School. Please read this blog post which contains all the required information. The school gates will be open at 9.20am and the whole family is welcome to come along and show their support. A family picnic will take place at lunch and afterwards children are free to leave school with their family.

Kandinsky Competition

Our Kandinsky competition winners have really enjoyed painting their designs onto large canvases this week. These are now proudly displayed in the school corridor and look fantastic. You can read all about the process in our blog post and I would like to encourage parents to come into school and view the new artwork for themselves.

Gardening Club

Our gardening club continues to meet and their beds are now starting to produce fruit and vegetables. I'd like to thank Mrs Chang for leading this and congratulate the children on their green fingers.

School Grounds Project

We are very excited to share with you our plans for the outdoor area at Woolton Hill Junior School. As you know we are extremely lucky to have such a large outdoor space and we would really like to use this much more with our children. We are hoping to start the first steps towards creating a 'forest school' style of learning. This will involve the children having more lessons outdoors in the outdoor classroom (in all weathers!) and start to develop skills to develop an appreciation of the natural world including bush craft skills. We will also be creating a pond area where the children will be able to take part in activities such as pod dipping. The children for the infant school will also be coming down on a regular basis to enjoy this area too.

In order to do this we are starting to prepare the woodland area of the school and would like to ask if there are any parents or friends of parents who would like to be involved in this project. This could be as simple as lending equipment to school or volunteering to come along and help prepare the area.

Please contact the school if you feel you are able to help in any way. We will keep you posted with photographs of the work as the area progresses.

Jubilee Celebration - A report by Henry T

On the last Friday of last term The Schools of Woolton Hill celebrated Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee. We made and sold cakes to help the Ukraine appeal. We also did a special jubilee Maths quiz and learnt some interesting facts about Her Majesty and her reign. Everyone looked amazing in their blue, red and white clothes.

INSET Days 2022 to 2023

Thursday 1st September

Friday 2nd September

Monday 31st October

Tuesday 3rd January 2023

Monday 5th June 2023

Wrap Around Care

I am delighted that Casa Clubs will be delivering our Breakfast and After School Club provision at the Junior school from September. In addition they will also be offering a holiday club, starting from Monday 25th July. Please click on this link to find out more information and to book a place.

For this provision to succeed the clubs need to be used. To help promote the provision and to help parents find out more Casa have started running FREE taster sessions for children where parents can bring their children along and find out more about the clubs. The first of these was last night where the children took part in archery, curling and bowls activities. The next events take place between 3.30pm and 4.30pm on:

  • Thursday 23rd June (Cheesecake Making)

  • Thursday 7th July (Woodwork Robots & Parachute Games)

You are welcome to come along if you are interested in either the breakfast, after-school or holiday sessions. Click here to register your interest. They promise to be a lot of fun!

Governing Body

The Governing Body is also looking to recruit a new Clerk. This is a paid role and you can find out more by clicking here.


Star Awards

10th June: Luey P, Charlotte B, Sophia C, Emily W, Max N, James A, Archie L and Hollie M.

17th June: Eloise D, Noah L, Evie C, Niamh P-C, Daniel B, Noah R, Nell W, Maddison S, Ria K, Charlotte F, Tom W, Mr Scott, Mrs Robinson-Slater and Mrs Fritz.


Hot Chocolate Awards

10th June: Zara B, Cayden B, Harriet O'M, Josie F.


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