Headteachers Update

It's hard to believe that it's been a year since I joined as Headteacher of The Schools of Woolton Hill, and two years since the Governors took the decision to federate both schools. We have achieved a lot in that time and already taken some big steps towards delivering on the original vision for federation.
The next big piece of work is to create a joint vision and unified set of values, across the federation. This is a really important step and will ensure that we all have a shared understanding of the school that we are building. Please follow this link to watch a video in which I explain the importance of this work to our schools and invite you all to share your views and get involved.
We are seeing many benefits to joint working. We have strengthened our leadership team with the appointment of Mrs Robinson-Slater as our new maths manager across both schools. She has a strong vison for excellence in maths and has already drawn up plans to improve the quality of provision in this area. Mrs Robinson-Slater said, "I love numbers and I can't wait to share my passion for mathematics across the Federation. I will be planning a parent workshop for maths in the summer term."
Our teaching & learning consultant Mrs Johnson comes to the end of her project to work alongside our teachers, developing their classroom practice and leaves our Federation at Easter. Mrs Johnson joined our school during a period of transition and provided me with essential and valuable leadership support whilst we appointed our Federation Deputy. Mrs Johnson's contribution to our Federation will be felt long after she has left and we wish her the best of luck for the future.
Parents Meeting: E-Safety
Thank you to all the parents who attended our E-Safety workshop. Andrew from Harrap ICT delivered a really helpful presentation on a range of issues such as YouTube, monitoring internet usage and gaming. Parents who were unable to attend can click here for further information on keeping children safe online.
Keeping our children safe is so important and E-Safety workshops were delivered to each year group across the Federation. Children spoke about how they used the internet and were taught how they can keep themselves safe when online.
Mother's Day Lunch
We were very happy to welcome mums along to school last week to share lunch with their children. Thank you to our catering staff at HC3S for the tasty food. Our mums do a fantastic job and we were so pleased to welcome parents back in to our school again.
Governing Body
The Governing Body have a vacancy for a Clerk. This is a paid role and you can find out more by clicking here.
WHJS After School Club
We currently have vacancies for a Play Leader and Play Worker at the new Junior School After-School Club. If you would like to apply for one of these roles, you can find out more below. So far we have not been able to appoint to these positions and I ask that you pass this information to anyone who you think might be looking for a new opportunity.
We are also looking for donations of good quality toys and games that the children can use at the club. Please bring in anything you think is suitable to either of our schools.
Have a great weekend.
Best wishes
Paul Davies
Executive Headteacher