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Infant Newsletter

Writer's picture: Mr DaviesMr Davies
Friday 25th October

Headteacher's Update

As we approach the end of the half term, I reflect on what a busy time it has been and what a wonderful range of opportunities the children have enjoyed since we returned in September.

Year R have made a really successful start to school. The NSPCC have delivered supportive sessions and all pupils took part in a SCARF (PSHE) workshop. In science week all pupils saw an amazing magic/science show. We have enjoyed sporting success in competitions at both schools. Year 6 completed 'Bikeability' training and all pupils enjoyed browsing the Book Fair. Our full Outdoor Learning Curriculum launched and all pupils have had at least two sessions, using the facilities supported by The Friends of Woolton Hill. Lower School's history topic was brought to life with an Egyptian Day. The School Council visited the local foodbank to find out about its great work. All pupils explored how democracy works and voted for pupil leaders in official voting booths. Year R performed at Church for the first time at our lovely Harvest festival. We have run a number of clubs including a new choir that will be participating in a concert at Wembley and a new group of eco-warriors have started environmental projects.

I would like to thank our staff, governors and parents for your marvellous support in delivering these opportunities.

We should be rightly proud of our school: The Junior school was recently inspected by the Local Authority who said that 'teaching is strong - the school is self-improving as evidenced by the quality of leadership and governance and pupil outcomes that have improved year on year for the past three years.'

I would like to wish all of our families a wonderful half term holiday. Don't forget that Monday 4th November is an INSET day, so we will welcome all pupils back to school on Tuesday 5th November at 8.45am.

Behaviour Policy

I'd like to remind parents of our positive approach to dealing with pupil behaviour as outlined in our behaviour policy here.

If any parents have concerns regarding the school's application of this policy, I would urge them to contact the school immediately.

Request for Donations

Are you able to help? We would like to keep a small stock of Egyptian, Greek and Roman costumes that we can offer to families for our special history days. This is to help reduce the expense of school events where the cost of living presents a challenge. If you have any items that would be useful, please do bring them in.

Starting Infant or Junior School in September 2025?

Does your child start junior school in September 2025? Do you know someone who is looking for a Year 3 place for next year? Come along to our final open morning on Tues 26th November @9am to meet staff and children and to see our brilliant school in action.

Register at this link:

Change in Menu

The school menu is changing when we come back after half term.  We would be grateful if you could take the time to look at this new menu with your child so as they are aware of the changes. Thank you. Please click here to view:

Parents Evenings

Our Parents Evenings are: Wednesday 6th November from 3.30pm-6pm and Tuesday 12th November from 3.30pm-6pm. Details on how to book were sent out earlier this week.

Poppy Appeal

We will be 'selling' poppies after half term in aid of the Royal British Legion. We ask for a minimum donation of 50p per poppy.

Star Awards

The following children received Star Awards this week! They should all be really proud, well done!

Charlotte L

Jack D

Seren H

Immy H

Harry C

Bjorn D

Life Learning


Toby P

Layla D

Emily B

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