Friday 2nd February
Headteacher's Update
The wellbeing of our pupils is of paramount importance, both inside and outside of school. Although our schools enjoy a village location, the road through Woolton Hill can be busy, especially around the the start and end of the school day, recently parents have shared concerns that if we do nothing then an accident will happen.
I recently met with Martin Hainge of the East Woodhay Parish Council (EWPC) to discuss the situation and he will pass on these concerns at the next meeting.
Each school has a natural crossing point, marked by bollards and a narrowing of the road. For the Infants this is outside the carpark for the village park, and the Juniors it's outside and just above the entrance to the school. I would like to ask all families to cross at these points under the close supervision of adults. I would also like to request that motorists reduce their speed outside of our schools - 20 is plenty!
Children's Mental Health Week
As you are aware, at the Schools of Woolton Hill we will be celebrating Children’s Mental Health Week next week: Monday 5th – Thursday 8th February. The theme of this year’s mental health week is ‘My Voice Matters’ and will be about empowering the children by providing them with the tools that they need to express themselves.
Over the week we would like to create a proud board where children can bring in a photo or drawing of them doing something that they are really proud of. These will be displayed in the school during the week. They will also be able to share these with their class.
On Monday we would like to ask that all children bring a scarf into school with them. We will be talking about how there is always somebody around us to talk to and keep us safe.
On Tuesday we would like the children to bring a small object or small teddy into school with them. This is an object that makes them feel happy and calm.
On Wednesday we would like the children to come to school dressed in their own home clothes. These clothes can be something that makes them feel great and shows off their personality! Sensible shoes please.
On Thursday we will have our Federation outdoor learning morning.
Don't forget to look at the timetable below and come along to your child's class to join in with a Stormbreak.
Monday 5th Feb 2:15 – 3:15 – Hedgehogs class
Tuesday 6th Feb 2:15 – 3:15 – Badgers class
Wednesday 7th Feb 2:15 – 3:15 – Otters class
Thursday 8th Feb 2:15 – 3:15 – Owls class
Exciting Learning
Last week the children in KS1 thoroughly enjoyed their visit to the Junior school hall for their Science Dome experience! In the dome they were surrounded by amazing images of hot and cold places around the world and they came out with lots of new facts and knowledge about polar and desert biomes! The children talked really positively about the experience and what they had learnt as well as being able to share their knowledge from their Geography topic so far.
Outdoor Learning
On Monday KS1 walked down to the Junior School for some outdoor learning for their science lesson.
Our learning focus was 'microhabitats' and we were exploring the learning question 'Do all minibeasts live in the same microhabitat?' We all enjoyed being outdoors and there was lots of great team work displayed by the children.
World Book Day
To celebrate World Book Day we are inviting parents to come into school and read to/with their children on Friday 8th March at 9am-9.30am. Children can come to school on this day dressed up as their favourite book character, author or illustrator.
It has been wonderful to see so many children excited about Sora and enjoying the range of books, comics and magazines Sora has to offer. Many children are enthusiastic to share what they have been reading or listening to. Teachers have also been eager to share books with their classes through Sora.
Parents Evenings
Our Parents Evenings are: Wednesday 20th March from 3.30pm-6pm and Tuesday 26th March from 3.30pm-6pm. Details on how to book to see your child's teacher will follow after half term.
Bicycles & Scooters
For obvious safety reasons please can you ensure that your child does not cycle/scoot whilst on the school site. Children should dismount from their bikes etc and push them in/out of the school grounds. Please can we also remind everybody that no children should be using the play equipment before or after school. Thank you for your co-operation
Outdoor Learning Day
Our Mental Health week will end with our second Federation Outdoor Learning morning on Thursday 8 February. All children should have a pair of wellies that they have already brought into school. Children will also need to bring in their waterproof clothes as we will be outside all morning even if it is raining! Please remember if we do not have your child's packed lunch order by Monday 5th February we will assume you are providing a home packed lunch. Click here for the link to the relevant form.
Understanding Sensory Processing
Please click here to access a guide for parents in understanding sensory processing and integration in children.
Holidays 2024-2025
Please click here which will give you information of this academic year holidays. Please note inset days for this school year have not been confirmed as yet.
Remaining inset days are: Friday 9th February and Friday 14th June.
Reminder - there is a Bags2School collection on Friday 1st March. Please bring any bags you have from Wednesday 28th February and put them in the outdoor classroom - thank you.
Star Awards
The following children received Star Awards this week! They should all be really proud, well done!
Gregory Louch
Nevaeh Gare
Ben Nesbit
George Ryan
Evelyn Barnes
Denys Kirnos
Arabella Dunn
Jasmine Samara
Life Learning
Oliver Symes
Erin Dando
Harry Crossley
Holly Duff
A reminder that school is closed on Friday 9th February for INSET training. School will re-open on Monday 19th February after half term.