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Newsletter 18th March 2022

Headteachers Update

Welcome to our third newsletter published on our website. You can find this, and past issues published on the website by going directly the News & Events tab. You can filter to just see the Newsletters from there.

I would again like to thank Mrs Elvin for her wonderful work, teaching Elm class this term. Joining us at Easter is Mrs Harriet Tice, who will be working in Elm (job sharing with Miss Jordan) on a Thursday and Friday. Mrs Tice will be in school over the next couple of weeks to get to know the school and the children. I am aware that there have been a few staffing changes for this class this year. These changes have been beyond my control, but we will ensure that the class teachers work very closely together to ensure a smooth transition for the children.

I'm delighted that the pupils have had some great opportunities to take part in sports tournaments recently. In addition to netball and archery success, the pupils have also done brilliantly in tag ruby. Next week I am looking forward to taking pupils from all year groups to the cross country.

Next week you will receive details of our upcoming parents evenings. These meetings will inform you of your child's progress against age related expectation, what they need to do to improve and how you can support this. I'm please that we can return to face to face meetings. Please enter the building at the time of your appointment directly through the back door to your child's classroom. You will then have an opportunity to look at your child's tray of work in the shared are, before exiting through the building. To book your appointment please use the Arbor parent portal.

Parents Meeting: E-Safety

Keeping children safe when they are online is an important priority at the Schools of Woolton Hill. We are holding a parent e-safety workshop at the junior school on Wednesday 23 March, starting at 3.45pm. Run by our ICT Specialist Providers HARRAP ICT, will inform parents about how you can teach your children to be 'Internet' Safe and make you aware about how you can protect them from risk whilst online. To book your place click here.


I would like to remind parents that the school day begins at 8.50am, with doors opening at 8.45am. Please make every effort to get your children to school on time. Lateness not only disrupts your child's learning, but that of the rest of the class when pupils enter the classroom late. Pupils who arrive after 9am, must be signed in at the office.

The school day finishes at 3.30pm. Please collect your children promptly. Staff have lots of work to do after school and are unable to supervise children who are collected late.

Please can parents supervise children whilst they are waiting for collection. Children must not place on school equipment before or after school as our insurance does not cover accidents in these circumstances.

For safety, all children's hair must be tied back. I thank all the parents for your support with these matters.

Mother's Day Lunch

To celebrate Mothers' Day we'd like to invite Mums to come and have lunch with their children! Spaces are available each lunchtime w/b 28th March. To book your place click here.

Simply RSVP to save your place. Places are limited so please respond quickly and if you are unable to make it, please cancel your place so that we can offer to someone else.

Menu will be "Week 1" and cost £2.81 (payable via Scopay). See here for the menu

Parent Volunteers

We would be very grateful for any parent volunteers who could commit to come into school to read with children every week between 1:30 - 3:30pm. If you would like to volunteer please contact the school office with your availability. Thank you.

After School Club

Despite all of our efforts, we have still been unable to recruit any staff for our new after school club. Unfortunately this means the club's launch will be delayed until after Easter. The arrangements with St Thomas' ASC will continue temporarily and I hope to have news of progress soon.

I include links to the positions below and ask that if you know of anyone who might be interested in either position, that you pass along this information.

We are also looking for donations of good quality toys and games that the children can use at the club. Please bring in anything you think is suitable.

Red Nose Day

Thanks you to all the children who participated in our mufti day and made donations to this great cause. I'm delighted to inform you that we have raised £85.55 so far with the money from the cake sale to be added. Well done to everyone that took part in the baking competition, winners will be announced in assembly on Monday.

Car Park Safety

Road safety is a priority for our school. I would like to remind parents that you should only stop your car outside the gates to drop off children. This is the 'kiss and drop' system that the school has run for many years. Parents must not 'park'. If parents need to have a conversation with staff at the gate, please park your car in an allotted space, exit the car and come back over to the gate. Parking cars against the yellow lines causes a blockage that other cars have to have to drive around - potentially causing safety issues. Thank you for your support with this matter.

Governing Body

The Governing Body is also looking to recruit a new Clerk. This is a paid role and you can find out more by clicking here.

School dinners

The new menu for school dinners after Easter is available here, the kitchen will also be offering a picnic sandwich option. Due to increasing costs the price of school meals is increasing to £2.60 per day from Monday 25th April.

Music lessons in school

Alex Lewis has two spaces available for drum lessons at WHJS. He can offer a free trial lesson to anyone that may be interested. Spaces are offered on a first come, first served basis. Please contact Alex directly on 07717 582055 or email:

Greg Bakke also has spaces if anyone is interested in guitar or ukele lessons. Please contact Greg directly by emailing


Star Awards

Congratulations to the following children for their recent star awards. Star awards are displayed in school for a week and then sent home.

11th Mar: Nina H, Amelie R, Nel M, Izzy C, Max N, Brian S, Alice F, Eva H, Imogen S, Philip M-B and Heather T

18th Mar: No celebration assembly today, star awards were presented in classes


Hot Chocolate Awards

11th Mar: Finley L, William S, Beth I, Alice S and Charlotte F

18th Mar: No celebration assembly today so no hot chocolate awards


Other updates


Pupils from the Lower and Upper school have participated in Rugby Festivals in the past couple of weeks. The Lower School did brilliantly and won every game and Upper School won two and drew one so no games were lost by WHJS! You can read about their success here.

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