Headteachers Update

Its been such a busy time across the Federation, its hard to know where to start this week as we have so many successes to celebrate!
Well done to all of the children who participated in our marvellous Federation Sports Day and congratulations to Rose House for lifting the trophy. All of the children participated with great skill and sense of fair play. Thank you to all of the parents who came along to support and join in with the racing. Thanks for the staff team for all of their efforts in staging the event and to Mrs Jones for organising a great day.
It was a delight to watch all of our Children in Years 5 & 6 who staged a fantastic production of Peter Pan. The children sang beautifully and entertained the audience with a clever and amusing script. Well done to all the children - you were brilliant. Again, I would like to thank the staff team for the huge amount of effort to put on the show!
Pupils at the Infants have enjoyed some fantastic learning opportunities. The whole school recently visited the Aquarium at Southsea, having a brilliant time and enjoying the sunshine.

Year 2 pupils represented our school wonderfully at their Leavers Service in Romsey Abbey. Well done to all of the children who contributed to the service. I would like to thank all of the staff and parents who accompanied our pupils on these excursions.
It was wonderful to welcome children and families to our taster sessions in Year R. The children made a confident start with their new teachers and have already made some new friends!
Finally I would like to thank everyone who attended WoolFest. This incredible event was a near sell-out. I loved the way it brought our community together and the buzz around the school as families enjoyed the food and the entertainment was remarkable. A huge amount of thanks must go to The Friends Of Woolton Hill Junior School for the massive amount of work that went in to staging this event.
Results Success!
Congratulations to all of our pupils who have achieved a fantastic set of results for our Federation in Reading, Writing & Maths.
End of Year R

End of Year 2

End of Year 6

We are very proud of all the children for their achievements This is an excellent result for our Federation. Thank you to the staff team and parents for the support you have provided to help with this achievement.
End of Term
As this will be the last Newsletter of the school year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our parent helpers who have given up their time to come into school and read with the children, help in our new library and accompany us on our trips. I would also like to thank Mr Smith and Mrs Curry for coming into school to support our Better Reading Scheme.
I would like to wish everyone a wonderful summer holiday. The last day of Term is Thursday 21 July and we finish at normal time. Children return to school, following our INSET days, on Monday 5th September at 8.45am.
Happy holidays !
Best wishes
Paul Davies
Executive Headteacher