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The Six Strands Curriculum

We recently held an assembly to launch our six strands curriculum across the Federation. Pupils from St Thomas Infants and Woolton Hill Junior joined together to find out from Mrs Jones about this important piece of work.

The Six Strands Curriculum is a tool, which has been developed and trialled, to support in promoting positive behaviours, emotions and relationships for all children. It aims to equip children with the skills, attitudes, behaviours and characteristics to help deal positively with the many and varied social and emotional contexts and challenges.

These are represented for children as walls of 'I can' statements (5 in total). Each term the whole Federation will focus on one strand through assemblies, class discussion, 6 strands lessons and recognition of the strands in action!

This half term the children are thinking about boundaries and learning together how to follow rules, take turns and cope if things don’t always go their way. We would encourage our parents to chat with their children about this work and find out more.

Mrs Jones

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