Friday 7th June
Headteacher's Update
We are currently planning our programme of Educational Visits for the next academic year. School trips are an important part of our Education Offer. They excite and motivate pupils about their learning and provide opportunities for learning that are not always possible in the classroom. We are also aware that the costs of such visits are rising. This is primarily due to the increasing price of coach hire. This is putting an increasing burden on both school and family budgets.
Now seems like a good opportunity to get your views on our Education Visits programme and how you feel it could be improved. I ask that all families take a few minutes to complete this short survey. This information will help us to get it right for our children next year.
More School Trips
Year 6 had a brilliant week at Calshot. I really enjoyed visiting them on Wednesday and seeing how well they were working together as a team. I hope you've had a chance to look at the daily updates via the blog and have seen the fantastic range of activities that the pupils have enjoyed. Their behaviour has been excellent and the children have been a credit to our school. I would like to thank the our amazing team of staff for all of their hard work in providing this opportunity for our pupils.
Stubbington Open Day
An Open Day will take place at Stubbington Study Centre on Saturday 22nd June 2024, 10am – 4pm. This will be of interest of our children and parents currently in Year 3, who are due to visit in the Autumn Term.
This occasion gives children, who have yet to visit, an opportunity for them and their families to look around, talk to the staff and alleviate any concerns they might have about attending the centre. As a result, this could help our children to get the most from their trip and help you to ensure as many children as possible attend. There is no need for people to book to come along to the centre on the open day.
Staffing Update
I'm sad to inform you that Mrs Johnstone, our teaching assistant at the Junior School will be leaving us next Friday to take on a new challenge, outside of Education, working for a Local Business.
Mrs Johnstone joined us in September 2015 and over nine years has had a huge impact supporting the education of many of our families. In addition Mrs Johnstone has led our school council and supported pupil voice across the school. She will be greatly missed and we wish her the best of luck for her next chapter. For the remainder of this term, Mrs Johnstone's work in Oak class will be covered by our excellent team of Teaching Assistants.
Please join me in congratulating Mrs Owen and her husband Phil, who are expecting their first baby in the Autumn! This is absolutely wonderful news and we are all delighted for the couple.
Wrap Around Care
Dates for your Diary
Friday 5th July: Federation Move Up Morning. Our staffing structure for next year will be announced and children will meet their new teachers.
Friday 5th July: Woolfest
Tuesday 9th July: Federation Sports Day & Picnic. More details to follow.
Friday 12th July: Reserve Sports Day.
Weds 17th July to Friday 19th July: Federation Arts Festival. More Details to follow.
Weds 17th July: Year 5/6 Production - More details to follow.
Friday 19th July: Annual Reports Issued
Friday 19th July: Year 6 'Oscars' evening.
Tuesday 23 July: End of Term at 3.15pm.
Parent Prayer Group
The following is a brief summary of “School Prayers” held on Friday 24th May from Fiona Ashworth:
"Alice, Lando and I met in the Library of St Thomas’ School for coffee, chat and prayer.
We began with a short reflection on ‘Footsteps’; thinking about those who have inspired us, the qualities we admire in them, and pondering who may be following in our footsteps.
This week, we prayed specifically for:
· all the children who have tests at the moment – SATs, Phonics, Multiplication etc.
· all those going on school trips; especially for the safety of Year 6 pupils who are going to Calshot for their Residential Trip.
· and we also prayed for the health and well-being of all the school staff.
Thank you to Miss Knapp who made us feel so welcome.
We will meet again on Friday the 28th June at 9am - please do join us if you would like to! You can send an email to or simply pop in on the day.
Lastly, if there is anything related to school life, that you would like us to pray for (publicly or confidentially) please email us at
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
Matthew 18:20 NIV"
Please make sure all jumpers and cardigans are clearly named, in the warm weather children often take them off and they can easily get muddled up if not named.
Our last INSET day for this year will take place on Friday 14th June. Next year's INSET dates will be published before half term.
Sporting Update
This week four year 5 children took part in a year 5/6 tennis event at Park House School. They all played brilliantly, congratulations to the boys for winning all their matches!
Letting Our Light Shine
Congratulations to Noah, who took part in the kids run before the Newbury 10k during half term. He came in came 1st place in the age 9-11 boys age group with the time of 03.18 for the 0.9km course. What an amazing performance!
Star Awards
The following children received Star Awards this week! They should all be really proud, well done!
24th May: Henry B, Alfie K, Alex S, Max E, Freddy G, Summer I, Jemima R, Barnaby W, Henry W, Finn E, Alfie W, Dominic W, Noah L and Ollie E.
7th June: Joshua L, Oliver B, Daisy L, Sofia E, Sofiia P, Martha M, Alfie W and Caden H.
Hot Chocolate
24th May: No hot chocolate this week
7th June: Rosie A, Harley H, Charlie M, Martin M-B, Nina H
Life Learning
24th May: Ben R, Imogen R, Emily W, Max N and Charlie M.
7th June: No life learning this week